Yesterday, my friend spotted this Egret on a rock. THAT…was way cool. She has this personality you see…

“Tony, take a photo of this Egret!” So…I did 🙂
Then today, I took a drive to the Flint Hills. Searched for an old bridge near a dam I remembered seeing back in 2009 but was too cloudy to shoot that day. But, today was clear!
On the walk down a rusty old steel stair way, I stumbled upon a spider spinning a web. That’s was kind of cool!

Then, I found some cool concrete stones on the leeward side of the dam.

After a photo shoot, I decided to drive on the top of the dam and finally found a bridge off to the east I’d been searching for. But, there was no place to stop. You’re not suppose to stop or park in the middle of the road on the dam but…I did! HA! The park ranger was hot on my trail but, I escaped with a nice shot anyway!